PEOC 2015 Fundraiser: A Labor of Love
Our center has been around since 1998 and we have only flourished since then. We have not only been providing work and job development for our day laborers and workers, but we also have accomplishments like helping our workers and community members get their drivers license with AB 60 study circles, fighting for the rights of the migrant children and their mothers during the Migrant Children Crisis in Inland Empire in July 2014, and being a part of and winning the Lopez-Venegas v. Dept. of Homeland Security case. This litigation will potentially allow thousands of Mexican nationals to be allowed to return lawfully to the US after being unjustly deported.
In the fall of 2015, we plan to launch a Women Workers’ Program. The efforts of our team can only take us so far, which is why we are reaching out to the members of our community to help expand our center.
Our fundraiser will be hosted by OC Weekly Editor, Gustavo Arellano. Many of our workers and our community leaders will be speaking about their work and their experience here at the PEOC.
This year we are honoring LA County Hilda Solis and TODEC, a community organization based in Perris, CA and Alicia Ayalatrejo and the support of the Dept. of Motor Vehicles for their help in the AB 60 community education and outreach.
We have four host/sponsorship levels that one can donate at
Champion: $2,000+ 8 Complimentary tickets
Partner: $1,000 6 Complimentary tickets
Ally: $500 4 Complimentary tickets
Friend: $250 2 Complimentary tickets
Individual tickets sold for:
$50 in advance
$60 at the door
Any donations are accepted! You can donate to our center for our future goals by mailing a check to PEOC, P.O. Box 2496, Pomona, CA, 91769 or donate online using our PayPal Click Here
Please save the date! We look forward to seeing you there.
Favor de acompañarnos este 27 de junio a nuestro evento anual de recaudación de fondos. Este año estaremos en el Fox Theater en Pomona, CA.
Por favor, guarde la fecha! Esperamos verlos allí.
Más detalles por venir.
Please join us for our annual PEOC Fundraiser. This year we’ll be hosting our event at The Fox Theater in Pomona, CA.
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